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Business services directory for expert services

Find a new local partner for your business!

In Business Jyväskylä’s business services directory for expert services, companies in Jyväskylä can inform others of their own services and get acquainted with the expert services offered by the companies in the area. The directory provides a marketplace for utilising expert knowledge (B2B) and finding new partners to develop your company’s business.

You can browse and limit your options based on the industry and the size of the company that provides the service. Companies are responsible for the content of their notifications and for ensuring that the information is correct.

Enter your company’s information in the directory

You can submit your information using the form accessible via the button below. The business services directory is intended for companies that provide expert services and have a domicile or a permanent office in Jyväskylä. The information will be reviewed and published within about a week of submitting the notification.